[Hymenoptera venom allergy: Management of venom extracts shortage or sanitary crisis (Covid-19 pandemic).]/ Allergie aux venins d'hyménoptères: Conduite à tenir en cas de pénurie d'extraits de venins ou de crise sanitaire (pandémie Covid-19). Recommandations du Groupe de Travail Insectes Piqueurs (GTIP).

Recurrent venom extracts shortages as well as the COVID-19 pandemic have prompted the SFA/Anaforcal Stinging Insects Task Force to develop recommendations on venom immunotherapy (VIT), in accordance with international guidelines, to be able to offer and maintain VIT to patients with life-threatening risks. How to diagnose allergy to hymenoptera venoms, indications and duration of VIT, maintenance intervals and doses, interchangeability of venom extracts and monitoring of patients on VIT have been adapted to this time of crisis, allowing clinicians to treat their patients with the most benefit and lowest constraint. These recommendations are temporary and will be reviewed after returning to a normal situation.
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