Термічна переробка відходів твердого сплаву ВК6М при нагріванні концентрованим випромінюванням

A problem of energy and resource safety is actual and scientists and specialists in many countries are presently busy at the decision of it. Processing of industrial wastes with the use of the concentrated solar energy is one of the directions of the problem decision. Wastes of the ВК6М alloy were the detail which used before as a matrix in the process of receipt of artificial diamonds.In was exposed for thermal transformation by the radiant flux heating, imitating the concentrated solar radiation, in the optical (arc) furnace of URAN-1. The feature of experiments methodology consisted of that heating of sample was periodically stopped and after cooling scraped off mechanically from his surface layer of oxides, that screens the radiant flux.It is assumed that in case of commercial realization of the process the automatic purging will be organized from oxides, for example, by the method of mutual friction of details at the rotationof them in the crucible.The temperature of the sample was controlled with a help of IR pyrometer in the center of the working zone (focal spot) and supported on the level of 1080±30оС, shutting out a visible melting and evaporation of oxides appearing on a surface.Kinetic descriptions of the process of thermal transformation of material in oxides are got as dependencies of decrease of speed of mass and of linear sizes of detail on a duration of heating in case of periodic stopping of the process for scraping off of oxides from the surface of the sample. The estimation of power expenses and efficiency of the process is conducted. So, the specific expenses of energy on the decrease of the sample average Нмас= 84,4 kJ/kg, on the receipt of the processing product (oxides) of Нокс= 90 kJ/kg.The estimation of the coefficient of efficiency of process ξ квп is offered as an attitude of the amount of the actually got product of material processing toward in theory possible. Іn this case appeared ξ квп = 81,53 %, accordingly losses (shortage of product) were 19,47 %. Size of losses testifies to the necessity of perfection of experiment methodology.Obtained quantitative kinetic and power data relatively transformation of material under the action of the concentrated radiation, in the opinion of authors of work, can serve as a referencepoint for the planning of the economically justified technological process with the use of solar furnaces.
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