Cirugía bariátrica con Técnica de Santoro II, resultados metabólicos a 3 meses y 1 año. Bariatric surgery with Santoro II Technique, metabolic results after 3 months and 1 year.

INTRODUCTION: Obesity has high prevalence worldwide, 25.1 % of chileans suffers from it, with comorbilities associated with cardiovascular risk. The technique of Santoro II (TS) as bariatric surgery, has demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of the obesity and comorbidities. OBJECTIVES: Determine variability of body mass index (BMI) and metabolic parameters with TS in Hernan Henriquez Aravena Hospital - Temuco (HHHA) and Clinica Alemana Temuco (CAT). HYPOTHESIS: Patients submitted to bariatric surgery with TS significantly decrease their body mass index (BMI), and their metabolic parameters. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Cross-sectional study, intentional non-probabilistic sampling, reviewing records of patients operated with TS between 2005 and 2010 in HHHA and CAT. The variables analyzed were BMI, blood sugar, arterial systolic pressure (PAS) and diastolic (PAD), and lipidic profile. The data were analyzed using Student’s t-test, X2 and Fisher’s test, when it was correspond. RESULTS: N=26. The 73 % were women, with an average age of 40.16 years (SD 12.07). A normalization of the variables analyzed was observed 3 months after surgery, being statistically significant, with the exception of PAD. One year la ter the surgery, the difference of these values, with those presurgeries, was higher but the decrease of the PAD was not statistically significant either. DISCUSSION: In obese patients, the TS is an effective procedure in the metabolic control with results that maintain in a year of follow up. Our results are consistent according to the literature, but further research is needed to support that these are independent of the weight loss.
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