Indications des ostéotomies femorales intertrochanteriennes pour séquelles arthrosiques de la dysplasie de hanche

: Pauwel's osteotomies unquestionably have a place in the treatment of the osteoarthritic consequences of subluxated dysplastic hips. They provide excellent and lasting results when the indication is correct and the surgical procedure is carried out properly. We recommend a varus osteotomy for coxa valga with subluxation presenting with a dense triangle at the edge of the socket and congruent joint surfaces in abduction; a valgus osteotomy when the femoral head and the acetabulum are considerably deformed, with a dense triangle at the edge of the socket and with the joint surfaces congruent in adduction only. When the outcome is questionable owing to the joint configuration, above all in the elderly, we suggest a total hip replacement.
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