Объективизация тяжести, характера, наличия осложнений и результатов лечения пациентов с повреждениями костей таза и вертлужной впадины И.Л. Шлыков, Н.Л. Кузнецова Objectivization of severity, character, complication presence and treatment results in patients with injuries of pelvic bones and acetabulum

N=M «MGBBLH bf.  . QZdebgZ Jhkf_^l_ogheh]bc», ]. ?dZl_jbg[mj] (^bj_dlhj d.f.g. B.E. Reudh\) JZajZ[hlZg \g_^j_ ^bZ]ghklbq_kdbc Ze]hjblf m iZpb_glh\ k ih\j_`^_gbyf dhkl_ lZaZ \_jlem`gh \iZ^bgu, ijbf_g_gb_ dhlhjh]h iha\hey_l mf_gvrblv qbkeh ^bZ]ghklbq_kdbo hrb[hd gZ ^h]hkiblZevghf ]hkiblZevghf wlZiZo, h[t_dlb\babjh\Zlv ly`_klv oZjZdl_j ljZ\f lZaZ. Ij_^eh`_gZ ko_fZ ijh]ghabjh\Zgby lbih\ nmgdpbhgZevguo gZjmr_gb aZ kq_l h[t_dlb\gh]h ZgZebaZ debgbdh-[bhf_oZgbq_kdh]h klZlmkZ iZpb_glZ k p_evx jZpbhgZevgh]h \u[hjZ lZdlbd \_^_gb iZpb_glh\ hp_gd ij_^iheZ]Z_fuo j_amevlZlh\ \hkklZgh\e_gb nmgdpbb hihjgh-^\b]Zl_evgh]h ZiiZjZlZ. Ijbf_g_ bffmgheh]bq_kdbc fhgblhjbg] ^ey ijh]ghabjh\Zgby jZa\blby \hkiZebl_evguo hkeh`g_gb, kjhdh\ j_iZjZlb\ghc j_]_g_jZpb mqblu\Zgby bo ij khklZ\e_gbb bg^b\b^mZevgh ijh]jZffu e_q_gby iZpb_glh\ ^Zggh]h ijhnbey. Dexq_\u_ keh\Z: ih\j_`^_gby dhkl_ lZaZ \_jlem`gh \iZ^b, ^bZ]ghklbq_kdb Ze]hjblf. Diagnostic algorithm has been developed and introduced in patients with injuries of pelvic bones and acetabulum, the use of which allows to reduce the number of diagnostic errors at pre-hospital and hospital stages, to objectivize the severity and character of pelvic trauma. The scheme to predict the types of functional disorders has been proposed at the expense of objective analyzing patient’s clinical-and-biomechanical status for the purpose of rational selecting the tactics patient management and an estimating the expected results of restoration of the locomotor system function. Immunological monitoring has been applied to predict the development of inflammatory complications, periods of reparative regeneration and to take them into account when planning an individual program for treatment of such patients. Keywords: injuries of pelvic bones and acetabulum, diagnostic algorithm.
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