Crecimiento de Células Nerviosas Motoras sobre Material Modificado Superficialmente por Polimerización por Plasma

The aim of this work is to study the growth and adhesion of motor nerve cells on a surface recovered by polypyrrol through polymerization by plasma and prove if all yours electro physiologic and biochemical proprieties don’t be modificated by the polymer. It is used the neuronal cell line NG108-15, that were seeded on covers objects polymerized by plasma, the growth and the cellular adhesion on the material was monitored through the acquisition of images by inverted microscope. In order to observe the specific protein sintesys of this kind cell, we were used inmunochemical techniques, applying specific antibodies against surface markers, the samples were observed through fluorescence microscopy. The electrical functionality with polymer was verified applying electrophysiology techniques of current and voltage clamp. One concludes that a suitable neuronal growth was obtained on the polymerized material and that the characteristic electrical and morphologies were not affected by the presence of polymer.
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