A case study in dissemination: lessons learned from a pilot study involving the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service.

ABSTRACT The Cancer Information Service Research Consortium (CISRC) was funded by the National Cancer Institute to disseminate as a pilot study a longitudinally tailored print intervention to promote the 5 A Day for Better Health program among callers to the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service (CIS). Using a one-group (intervention-only) study design, 1,022 eligible CIS callers were enrolled to receive the intervention consisting of four mailings of tailored print materials over a 3-month period. Program evaluation focused on process and implementation evaluation, including adherence to the baseline interviews by CIS information specialists based on live-call monitoring (n = 55 eligible callers), and the timeliness of the intervention mailouts (4,088 scheduled mailouts). Adherence to the baseline interviews by CIS information specialists was extremely high, exceeding 90% for all indicators of quality control. Of the 4,088 intervention mailings, 75% occurred on or before the target date,...
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