Measuring the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Mass Media Promotion of Vasectomy Services. Contract No. CI85.13 / CI86.35A. 15 August 1985 -30 April 1987. Final report.

This final technical report presents the results of an operations research (OR) project carried out by PRO-PATER in Brazil over the period of August 15 1985 to April 30 1987. The purpose of the research was to test the impact of a three-month mass media promotion of vasectomy on clinic operations. The previous four years of vasectomy clinic performance provided baseline data. Clinic operations were monitored during and after the promotion. Clinic performance and client characteristics provided dependent variables and cost-effectiveness of the intervention was assessed. It was found that the mass media campaign was both effective and cost-effective. Clinic attendance doubled as a result of the promotion and then stabilized at 54% higher than the previous levels. The OR structure was institutionalized for further use by PRO-PATER. This report provides details of the geographic setting program setting and research problems in an introductory chapter. Chapter 2 details the design of the research. The third chapter outlines the research methodology and Chapter 4 provides the results. The results are discussed in Chapter 5 and conclusions are drawn in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 covers the institutional impact of the enhanced data processing capacity reorganization of patients files and computerization of files. Chapter 8 contains a bibliography Chapter 9 contains figures and Chapter 10 tables. Appendices are provided under the final chapter heading.
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