Analisis Kadar Rhodamin B Pada Blush-On Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Uv-Vis

Cosmetic are mixture of materials that are ready to be used on the outside of the body. One type cosmetics makeup that is often used is Blush-On. This Blush-On cosmetics has a distinictive red color, so it issu red color, so it is suspected that there is still a misuse in the addition of Rhodamine B to Blush—n cosmetics, especially cosmetics that are not registered to BPOM (The Nationalof Drug and Food Control). Based on the PERMENKES RI No. 445/Menkes/Per/V1998 concerning certain dyes declared dangerous it is a synthetic dye Rhodamine B which is one of the dyes that is prohibited for use in-cosmetics products because the fidings of BPOM from 2014 to 2015, Rhodamine B is still used as one of the dyes. This study aims to knowthe misuse of the addition of synthetic dye Rhodamine B to Blush-On cosmetics and to know how much Rhodamine B is contained in the Blush-On cosmetic samples. The results of the qualitative test with the staining method on the Blush-On cosmetics samples A,B,C,D, and E, it is sample E that produces a clear reddish color that has he potential to contain Rhodamine B . Furthemore, it is continued with a quantitative test by using Uv-Vis Spectrofotometry, and it obtains levels of Rhodamine B in sample E is 9,98mquantitative test by using Uv-Vis Spectrofotometry, and it obtains levels of Rhodamine B in sample E is 9,98mg/g.
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