Management and prognosis in thymoma: experience from a single center

Abstract Aim. This report retrospectively documents the management of in 11 patients with thymoma at Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital Radiation Oncology Department from 1999 to 2007. Method. A total of eleven patients that admitted with the diagnosis of thymoma to own clinic between November 1999 and April 2007 were included. The medical files of the patients were retrospectively reviewed. Gender, age, subtype of thymoma, surgical procedures performed and radiotherapy doses were taken into consideration. Result. There were one patient with Type B1 thymoma, one with type B3 thymoma and nine patients with type B2. Eight patients underwent surgery, while three had biopsy alone. Overall survival rate was 71% and mean survival duration was 56 months. There was no statistically significant differences in survival rate with respect to sex, mean survival rate was 73% in males and 60% in females. Although the survival rate was higher in patients that underwent surgery than those that underwent biopsy alone, the difference was not statistically significant (75% vs 66%, respectively). Conclusion. Survival rate was increased in patients with thymoma by radiotherapy and our results are similar with literatures. Key words: Thymoma, timus, tumor, resection Ozet Amac. Ankara Numune Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Klinigi’nde 1999-2007 yillari arasinda tedavi goren 11 timoma olgusu retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Yontem. Kasim 1999 ile Nisan 2007 tarihleri arasinda klinigimize timoma tanisi ile basvuran 11 hasta calismaya dahil edildi. Hastalarin dosyalari retrospektif olarak incelendi. Cinsiyet, yas, timoma alt tipi, cerrahi tipi ve tedavi dozunda degerlendirmeye alindi. Bulgular. Hastalardan 1’i tip B1 timoma, 1’i tip B3 timoma, geri kalan 9 hasta ise Tip B2 timomadir. Hastalardan 8’ine cerrahi tedavi, 3’une sadece biyopsi uygulanmistir. Genel sagkalim %71 olarak bulundu. Ortalama sagkalim 56 aydir. Cinsiyete gore istatistiksel olarak anlam saptanmadi; erkek cinsiyette sagkalim %73, kadin cinsiyette %60’dir. Operasyon acisindan sagkalim; biopsi uygulananlarda %66, opere olanlarda %75 olarak bulundu. Sonuc. Timoma tanili hastalarda sagkalim radyoterapi ile yukselmistir ve bulgularimiz literatur ile uyumludur. Anahtar sozcukler: Timoma, timus, tumor, rezeksiyon
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