Les intoxications aigues à la province d’Al Hoceima (Maroc), 2014-2015

espanolSelon l’OMS, les intoxications constituent un veritable probleme de sante publique dans le monde. C’est une cause frequente d’admission aux urgences et aux unites de soins intensifs. Au Maroc, 15.290 cas d’intoxication ont ete notifies au centre antipoison en 2015, avec un taux de letalite de 0,83 %. Dans la province d’Al Hoceima, on declare annuellement une moyenne de 130 cas d’intoxication aigue. Notre etude est descriptive sur des series de cas d’intoxication declares a la province entre 2014 et 2015. Les taux d’incidence et de letalite ont ete calcules pour les cinq dernieres annees. L’objectif est de decrire le profil epidemiologique, les aspects cliniques, et evolutifs des cas d’intoxications a la province d’Al Hoceima. L’incidence a augmente au cours des cinq dernieres annees. Elle est passee de 23,81 pour 100.000 habitants en 2011 a 33,74 pour 100.000 habitants en 2015. L’âge median etait de 23 ans. La tranche d’âge modale etait 20 a 29. Le Sex-ratio H/F etait 1,15. Durant cette periode, causes principales incriminees sont d’origine alimentaire et le monoxyde de carbone dans une proportion de 71,20 %. Ces intoxications ont eu lieu accidentellement dans 80,48 % des cas. 21,32 % des cas ont ete plus a caractere collectif qu’isole. Les manifestations cliniques etaient tres divers allants de simples signes benins, a des etats graves. 29,73 % des cas ont necessite une hospitalisation. Le taux de letalite moyen etait de 2,56 %, les produits gazeux etaient la premiere cause de deces. A la fin de ce travail, deux recommandations majeures ont ete emises: la generalisation de la notification des cas d’intoxication au niveau des etablissements de soins de sante primaires; l’education et la mobilisation sociale afin de prevenir la survenue de ces urgences medicales. EnglishAccording to the World Health Organization, poisoning is a significant global public health issue worldwide. Acute poisoning is a frequent cause of emergency and intensive care unit admissions. In Morocco, 15,290 cases of poisoning were reported to the Poisons Centre in 2015, with a lethality rate of 0.83 %. Within the province of Al Hoceima, there was annually an average of 130 reported cases of acute poisoning. We performed a descriptive study on series of reported poisoning cases within the province in 2014 and 2015. However, the provided incidence and lethality rates were estimated for the last five years. The purpose is to provide a description of an epidemiologic profile as well as clinical and outcome aspects of the cases of intoxications within the province of Al Hoceima. The reported incidence increased from 23.81 per 100.000 inhabitants in 2011 to 33.74 per 100.000 inhabitants in 2015. The median age was 23 years, the modal age category was 20 to 29 and sex-ratio male/female was 1.15. Food borne diseases and carbon monoxide, which represent almost 71.20 % of reported cases of poisoning, were the main causes. These accidentally occur in 80.48 % of the cases. 21.32 % of the cases were of collective nature. Clinical manifestations were diverse, from simple benign symptoms to serious conditions. 29.73 % of the cases were hospitalized. The average lethality rate was 2.56 %. The gas oil products were the leading cause of death. At the end of this work, two major recommendations need to be put forward: the generalization of the notification of the poisoning cases at the Primary Health Care facilities level, and the education and social mobilization to prevent the occurrence of these medical emergencies.
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