Educación en infecciones de transmisión sexual desde la adolescencia temprana: necesidad incuestionable

The adolescence is a formative stage of the identity, autonomy and life project. With the objective of structuring the updated theoretical referents on the relevance of the education in sexually-transmitted infections from the early adolescence, 39 scientific articles were reviewed. Currently, the health-disease process has been remodeled, making emphasis in the integral health and in health promotion. Educative interventions directed to propitiate healthy life styles find a propitious background in the adolescence, a critical period forming behavior and consolidating values. This stage is framed in the ages between 10 and 19 years, where deep biological, psychological and social changes happen, making the individual vulnerable to dangerous and insane behaviors.  Prioritized themes are reported, highlighting sexual and reproductive health and the prevention of sexually-transmitted infections because the precocious consummation of sexual relations, frequently unprotected, lead to deplorable consequences related to non-desired pregnancy, abortion and catching these entities. We arrived to the conclusion that comprehensive sexual education is the main strategy to contribute to sexual relations deferral, diminish the quantity of sexual partners and the condom correct use, what helps preventing sexually-transmitted infections in this population group
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