Consortia of entomo-pathogenic fungi and bio-control agents improve the agro-ecological conditions for brinjal cultivation of Assam

A liquid consortial formulation with three compatible biocontrol agents viz., Trichoderma harzianum, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae was prepared with already standardized additives (Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, Assam). Pot and field experiments conducted to test the efficacy of six different IPDM (Integrated Pests and Disease Management) modules with the prepared consortia showed that module-6 (seed treatment + seed bed treatment in nursery + soil application in main field + seedling dip treatment with consortia of biofertilizer, Rhizobium sp., Azotobacter sp. strain 52, Azospirillum sp. strain 71 and Bacillus sp. strain 5 W + spraying of consortia) was the best for the management of three important diseases of brinjal viz., Phomopsis leaf blight and fruit rot, Alternaria leaf spot, and Fusarium wilt. Field experiment repeated in the second year ustilizing six different modules revealed the module 6 as best in reduction of disease incidence and increasing the growth parameters and yield of the crop. Result of pooled analysis of field experiments showed a yield of 570.97q/ha with B:C ratio 3.99. The module was also found effective in improving the nutrient status with significant increase in P and K status of soil as well as microbial biomass carbon in both the years of experimentation (2014–2015 and 2015–2016). The module can be used by the farmers for organic cultivation of brinjal after further confirmation in multi locations of diverse agroecological condition of Assam.
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