Social Capital in Developing Madrasah: Social Involvement Strategy to Develop Madrasah in the Muslim Minority Area of District Mandor, Ladak West Kalimantan Indonesia

The paper is intended to discuss the social capital developed by Madrasah Pendai Mandor and to explain the involvement of the Madrasah in the implementation of madrasah education in the Muslim minority area of the Mandor sub-district. The work employs qualitative approach. The informan include the head of the foundation, the head of the madrasah, the teachers, the students, the madrasah committees, the professional and the local officials as well as the parents of the students. The study shows that the social capital developed by the school management and supported by the stakeholders has been very important for the development of the Madrasah and the it better relation with the surrounding communities having diferent relegious backgrounds. The leadership shifting to the one having better capacity has been very inlfuention to the social capital building in the form of trust from various circles. It is also the case that the new leadership has developed better values ​​and norms to maintain the trust in the form of social relations including cooperation and communication. Community involvement has also been buill within the Madrasah through various programs and learningactivities including improving the learning process, extracurricular activities and construction of learning facilities. Keywords: Social, Capital, Madrasah Pendai Mandor, Minority, Involvement.
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