Most General PATTERNS OF Geographic Distribution of Helminths in Marine Mammals (Naibolee Obschchie Zakonomernosti Geograficheskogo Rasprostraneniya Gelmintov Morskikh Mlekopitayushchikh)

Abstract : An analysis of the geographic distribution of helminths in marine mammals of the Boreal Pacific subregion revealed that in Far Eastern seas and in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean there are 71 species, along the American shore 40 species, and only 18 species are common for both sides of the ocean. Among the common species it is most important to mention Odhneriella seymouri, Diphyllobothrium lanceolatum, Pyramicocephalus phocarum, Contracaecum osculatum, Terranova decipiens, Stenurus minor, Corynosoma semerme, C. strumosum, relating the helminthofauna of the Boreal Pacific subregion with that of the Arctic sub region and having ranges joined in the north. Almost all these species are typical parasites of pinnipeds, other than Odhneriella seymouri, a parasite of the white grampus, and Corynosoma strumosum, which is found in pinnipeds and some other animals. The species Phocitrema fusiforme, Diphyllobothrium krotovi, Adenocephalus septentrionalis are also parasites of pinnipeds and are found at the northern boundary of the Boreal Pacific subregion and possibly beyond its limits and are seemingly transitional from a continuous distribution to a discontinuous, amphi-Pacific distribution. (Author)
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