[Herpes simplex and varicella zoster in HIV seropositive and AIDS patients diagnosed at the "Pedro Kouri" Institute of Tropical Medicine. Nurses' role].

: A retrospective and descriptive study composed of HIV and AIDS seropositive patients was conducted, 90 patients with infections caused by herpes simplex and zoster varicella were taken as a sample. Percentage was applied to them. Within the opportunistic infections, those caused by microorganisms from the Herpes viridae family, such as herpes simplex virus type I and II, cytomegalovirus, hoster varicella, and Epstein Barr's virus are very frequent among these patients. The nursing role in the attention to HIV and AIDS seropositive patients with infections produced by herpes simplex and zoster varicella was analyzed during two years. Herpes simplex infection (88.8% of the cases) showed the highest incidence and its genital localization was the most frequent one. 100% of the lesions of the skin and of the mucous membranes were cured. The efficiency of nursing care in these infections was proved and emphasis was made on how important it is to fulfil the biosafety measures with these patients.
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