Critical issues in aging policy : linking research and values

Aging Policy and Societal Values - Edgar F Borgatta and Rhonda J V Montgomery Demography - Susan de Vos A Source of Knowledge for Gerontology Conceptualization and Measurement of Well-Being - Donald E Stull Implications for Policy Evaluation The Social Relationships of Older People - M Powell Lawton and Miriam Mass Research on Men's and Women's Retirement Attitudes - Laurie Russell Hatch Implications for Retirement Policy Dependency, Family Extension and Long-Term Care Policy - Laurie Russell Hatch et al Values, Perceptions and Choice in Living Arrangements of the Elderly - Andrew V Wister and Thomas K Burch Senior Center Research - Penny A Ralston Policy from Knowledge? Values, Costs and Health Care Policy - Rhonda J V Montgomery and Edgar F Borgatta Causes and Correlates of Crime Committed by the Elderly - Kyle Kercher
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