Laparoscopic management of unexpected borderline ovarian tumors in women of reproductive age.

Summary Plll'pose OIill\'estigatioll: The ηίω of this study wns ιο review the clin.ίcaJ fentures of women with unexpected borderlίne ovarian tumours. Met/lods: Between October 1992 nnd Deceωber 2010. 1.332 οιιι of 4.016 laparoscopies wel'e performed for adnexal mass- es ία women of τeρτοοικτίνe age and 1.838 cysts were reJΌoved. When ultrasonographic findings did αοι ωeet the criteria for low risk malίgnancy. ιυυιοισ JΌarkers. οοίουτ Doppler and MRJJCT were applίed. Aι laparoscopy any soIid οοωροαeαι OT papilla was sent for ι-aPίd frozen section. Reslllts: Borderline ovarian tumours were found ίη eight (0.6%) ουτ of 1.33:2 patients. two of which were bi1ateraJ. The mean age was 28.75 ± 9.27 years and the mean diameter of the cysts was 5.1 ± 1.7 cm. Iτι two cases ιιneXPected maJig- na.ncy was djscovered dUΓίng the diagnostic and ίη six cases during the operative phase of the intervention. CoIlclusioIl(sJ: Risk of failure το djagnose cancer couJd be minimised with caJ'eful patient selection preoperativeIy. Adequate training οη Iaparoscopic oncol- ogy is the necessary prerequisite for a safe laparoscopic approach.
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