Метод зондовой конфокальной лазерной эндомикроскопии в диагностике идиопатических интерстициальных пневмоний

The diagnosis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) remains one of the most difficult issues in pulmonology. The article demonstrates the capabilities of the method of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy in the diagnosis of various forms of IIP, provides comparisons with CT and the histological picture. According to the data obtained, it is difficult to distinguish most of the IIP from each other using pCLE. Among the specific signs, it can be noted the presence of a large number of alveolar cells in pCLE in a nonsmoking patient with desquamative interstitial pneumonia, which is not typical for other IIP in nonsmokers. Also, pCLE can be used in the differential diagnosis of IIP with other, in particular, malignant lesions.
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