Tumor extrínseco del estroma del intestino delgado. Presentación de caso

Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are rare tumors secondary to a malign proliferation of mesenchymal cells, and the complete surgical resection of these tumors depends in great measure of its quick diagnosis. Objective: To present a clinical case of an extrinsic tumor of the small intestine stromal diagnosed in its initial state making emphasis in imaging diagnostic. Case presentation: A 56 years old male patient that didn't have up a conclusive diagnostic until 2014 after applying different diagnostic tests because he presented chronic anemia and melena. In January 2015 was carried out an abdominal echography, a simple oral and  intravenous contrasted multilayer computerized axial tomography, an also a virtual colonoscopy, describing a hypodense image of tumoral appearance, with variable density, nor infiltration of vascular structures neither intra-abdominal secondary lesions, concordant with GIST. It was decided to carry out surgery for the complete tumor resection. The anatomic and pathological studies confirmed a GIST type fusocellular tumor, of intermediate degree and aggressive bearing. Conclusions: The success in GIST early diagnosis depends of several specialties domain, where the imaging studies play an important role in the behavior to be followed, either for an appropriate surgical treatment or with adjuvant, because they are complex tumors in its presentation.  Keywords: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors, small intestine, computerized axial tomography.
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