Toxicology consultation fees to health care facilities: a successful revenue generating program for poison centers.

: Poison information center funding is a continuous problem and is growing more critical as cost containment effects the health care industry. Although a limited number of poison centers are partially funded by governmental agencies, general poison center operational support is derived from a variety of sources, and there is significant pressure upon centers to identify alternative funding sources. Affiliated members of our member hospital treatment network have provided one revenue source, but not all hospitals within our service region have subscribed. Furthermore, hospitals outside of our service region have utilized the service without any financial responsibility despite recommendations to use their local center. Therefore, to provide an incentive for local hospitals to subscribe to the service and to dissuade hospitals from outside of the region from using the service, we implemented a toxicology consultative fee for service on all calls emanating from non-member hospitals. In just 19 mo, recruitment of 16 new member hospitals has generated $65,150 additional revenue. Non-member hospitals electing not to affiliate but to remunerate for toxicology consultations (226 cases) have generated $20,400 (98% collection rate). A startling 95% reduction in calls from hospital outside of region has resulted since this fiduciary initiative began. New revenue totaling $85,550 has been generated by establishment of a toxicology consultation fee, and our staff is now able to dedicate priceless time and resources to the poison information needs of the residents of our region.
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