Pengaruh Latihan Dengan Virtual Reality Untuk Keseimbangan Dinamis Pada Lanjut Usia

Dibimbing oleh: Ftr. Umi Budi Rahayu S.Fis., M.Kes) Background: Increasing age results in decreased postural balance and body stability. Balance is an ability to maintain body stabilization when standing, sitting and walking. With the development of so many elderly people and needing health services, it requires a new method that can increase the participation and compliance of the elderly to attend a rehabilitation training program. Research Objective: To determine the effect of training with virtual reality for dynamic balance in the elderly. Research Methods: This type of research is quasi experimental, with the design of pre test and post test with 2 groups (treatment group and control group). The treatment group was given VR training and the control group was given training with TS before training was measured by TUGT. A sample of 15 elderly people at the Posyandu in the Wirogunan village of Kartasura Research Results: The results of the statistical test using paired sample t-test obtained p-value in the same treatment and control groups, p <0.005 (p = 0,000). The mean value in the treatment group was 6.86 while the control group was 5.88. So it can be seen from the p-value in the treatment and control groups that there is an influence on the dynamic balance in the elderly and if seen from the mean value, the treatment group is better than the control group Conclusion: There is an effect of exercise with VR for dynamic balance in the elderly by 49%.
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