Los planes de acción tutorial (PAT) en la universidad. Una apuesta integradora

espanolEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar el diseno e implementacion de un Plan de Accion Tutorial (PAT) realizado por un grupo de profesores (PDI) y equipo de la biblioteca (PAS) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion de Universidad de Granada, para alumnos de dicha Facultad, durante el curso academico 2013-2014. Todos los participantes lo han hecho con libertad, previo compromisos de aceptacion de implicarse en las actividades programadas. El modelo del que partimos en este Proyecto si situa en la opcion que propone el Modelo de Desarrollo Personal, vinculado a la tradicion anglosajona. En este marco, la tutoria se define como una accion docente de orientacion realizada por profesores tutores con la finalidad de facilitar la formacion integral del alumnado potenciando su desarrollo como persona y como estudiante y su proyeccion social y profesional, mediante la realizacion de estimulos que favorecen la reflexion critica, la autocomprension, la autoestima, la adaptacion social, distintos recursos para la mejora y el clima de aprendizaje. EnglishThe objective of this paper is to present the design and the implementation of a Plan of Tutorial Action, carry out by a university teachers group (PDI) and a technical team (PAS) of the Granada University Library. This Plan was led to the Education Faculty students, during 2013- 2014, academic year. All participants have done it freely, but first, they have made a commitment to engage in the programmed activities. The model elected in this project is the Model of Personal Development, linked to the Anglo-Saxon tradition. In this framework the tutoring is defined as an educational action for student orientation, conducted by tutors in order to facilitate the formation of the students. It also aims to promote the development of the student as a person and in his/she social and professional projection. To do this, some stimuli are provided to activate critical reflection, self-understanding, self-esteem and social adaptation. Also, different resources are offered to improve teaching and learning climate. Our concept of the tutoring is inspired by the European Integration spirit. This is the result of European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which is reflected in the University Student Statute. In the conclusions has been underlined the high degree of satisfaction expressed by students, after analyzing the results of the questionnaires.
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