Çocuklarda kazara oluşan özofagus yanıkları

SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2002 Eylul; 9(3) Cocuklarda kazara olusan ozofagus yaniklari I. Faruk Ozguner, Cagri Savas, M. Sunay Yavuz, Ş. Abdullah Kaya, B. Ilker Buyukyavuz Ozet Cocuklarda kazara icilen yakici maddeler ozofagus darligindan olume kadar degisen onemli sonuclara neden olabilmektedir. Ozellikle baslangic safhasindaki tedavi plani cok onemlidir. Bu calismada 1997-2000 yillan arasinda cocuk cerrahisi klinigimize yakici madde icme sikayeti veya suphesi ile basvuran 42 hastanin has­tane kayitlan geriye donuk olarak incelenmis ve sonuclari tartisilmistir. En sik yakici madde icen yas grubu 0-6 yas grubu olarak saptanmistir. Calismamizda en sik icilen yakici madde camasir suyudur (sodyum hipok-lorit). Anahtar kelimeler: Ozofagus yaniklari, Yakici madde, cocukluk cagi Abstract The Acadental Caustic Esophagitis in Children Accidental ingestion of caustic substances may be caused important complications such as esophageal stric-ture or death. The protocol for treatment of this injury is extremely important, especially in the initial phase. in this study, 42 patient who admitted to pediatric surgery department of our hospital due to caustic substance ingestion evaluated retrospectively between 1997-2000 years. The most frequent suffer from caustic substance ingestion group was found 0-6 age group and the most frequent caustic substance which ingested from chil-dren was household bleach (Sodium hypochlorite) in this study. Key words: Caustic esophagitis, caustic substance, childhood
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