Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by anti-Yta

Many patients with anti-Yta receive multiple transfusions of Yt(a+) red blood cells (RBCs) with no ill effects. However, anti-Yta has been implicated in hemolytic transfusion reactions. Antibody identification typically determines specificity of antibodies and their clinical significance to justify blood requirements for antigen-negative blood when clinically significant antibodies are involved. Occasionally, specificity of antibody is of variable significance. Variability in clinical significance is a characteristic of anti-Yta that may affect the clinical management of such patients. This case reports the outcome of an incompatible transfusion in an 83-year-old female patient with anti-Yta, -D, -C, -Leab, and -HI who was admitted to the hospital for a severe urinary tract hemorrhage and fever. The patient was transfused with 1 crossmatch-incompatible group A, Yt(a+), D-, C-, E-, S- RBC unit in an emergency medical event. During that time, the patient exhibited chills, shivering, and tachycardia. Decreases in hemoglobin and hematocrit were noted. Laboratory parameters for hemolysis, such as total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and lactate dehydrogenase, were increased. Based on clinical and laboratory evaluation, it was concluded that the patient had an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by anti-Yta. The patient was successfully treated with antipyretics, antihistamines, and corticosteroids. Urinary tract hemorrhaging was stopped. Anemia was additionally improved with parenteral iron supplementation, and further transfusion was not required. Immunohematology 2021;37:13-17. Many patients with anti-Yta receive multiple transfusions of Yt(a+) red blood cells (RBCs) with no ill effects. However, anti-Yta has been implicated in hemolytic transfusion reactions. Antibody identification typically determines specificity of antibodies and their clinical significance to justify blood requirements for antigen-negative blood when clinically significant antibodies are involved. Occasionally, specificity of antibody is of variable significance. Variability in clinical significance is a characteristic of anti-Yta that may affect the clinical management of such patients. This case reports the outcome of an incompatible transfusion in an 83-year-old female patient with anti-Yta, -D, -C, -Leab, and -HI who was admitted to the hospital for a severe urinary tract hemorrhage and fever. The patient was transfused with 1 crossmatch-incompatible group A, Yt(a+), D–, C–, E–, S– RBC unit in an emergency medical event. During that time, the patient exhibited chills, shivering, and tachycardia. Decreases in hemoglobin and hematocrit were noted. Laboratory parameters for hemolysis, such as total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and lactate dehydrogenase, were increased. Based on clinical and laboratory evaluation, it was concluded that the patient had an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by anti-Yta. The patient was successfully treated with antipyretics, antihistamines, and corticosteroids. Urinary tract hemorrhaging was stopped. Anemia was additionally improved with parenteral iron supplementation, and further transfusion was not required. Immunohematology 2021;37:13–17.
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