Alternative Sample-Homogeneity Test for Quantitative and Qualitative Proficiency Testing Schemes

Proficiency Testing (PT) External Quality Assessment (EQA) schemes are designed to ascertain the ability of individual laboratories to perform satisfactorily with respect to their peer laboratories or to limits imposed by external sources. Observed deviation of a laboratory result for a PT sample must be entirely attributed to the laboratory and not to the PT provider. To minimize the probability that deviations could be attributed to the PT provider, sample homogeneity should be assured. It is generally required that for quantitative parameters, the standard deviation among PT units should be calculated on the basis of duplicate measurements of at least 10 samples chosen at random, and the standard deviation among PT units should not exceed 0.3 times the standard deviation used to evaluate laboratories. Because this approach has important drawbacks, an alternative procedure is proposed by applying the theory of acceptance sampling to the assessment of sample heterogeneity for both quantitative and qualit...
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