Embryo rescue and chromosomal manipulations

Abstract Considerable progress has been achieved in chickpea through embryo rescue in wide hybridization in terms of recovery of hybrid plantlets, but development of introgressed donor lines and varietal release is yet to be achieved. The technical information generated relating to embryo culture of chickpea facilitated researches in somatic embryogenesis, which had immense role in development of plantlets from genetically transformed tissues. Biology of the developing somatic embryo in chickpea has been studied, and developmental stages have been identified. Regression-based models are also available in the literature to predict the stage of the developing embryo, and such information can be used in identification of the time of embryo rescue in different wide crosses. Embryo culture conditions have been standardized for culturing the mature and immature embryos in chickpea, and liquid media with filter paper bridge setup have been identified to be congenial to support the growth of the immature embryo. Karyotypes of different species of Cicer have been developed, and corresponding DNA contents have been reported. C-banding patterns of the chromosomes have been developed, and their fine structure during pachytene has been studied. Linkage groups have been identified on the basis of the location of the centromere, secondary constriction, and arms ratio in different species.
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