Noise-induced threshold elevation as a function of peak sound pressure level

Thirty-three groups of guinea pigs, consisting of five animals in each group, were exposed to a simulated impact noise with peak levels ranging between 119.5 and 134.5 dB SPL. By varying the repetition rate, different equivalent levels could be set at each peak level. The equivalent levels ranged from 96 to 117 dB SPL, and the exposure duration was 1.5 to 24 hours. The compound action potential thresholds were measured in 1/3-octave steps between 1 and 20 kHz, one month after the exposure. Higher peak levels resulted in a peak-shaped threshold elevation with a maximum around 8 kHz. For constant peak levels, the equal energy theory was supported. For exposures of equal energy but different peak levels, significantly higher threshold elevations resulted after exposure to higher peak levels.
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