A Study of the Residual Stress Characteristics of FCAW Multi-Pass Butt Joint for an Ultra-Thick Plate

*Dept. of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Chosun Univer sity, Gwangju, Korea**Dept. of Automobile, Chosun College of Science & Technology, Gwangju, Korea***Dept. of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Graduate Sc hool, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea****Automotive Components Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Gwangju, KoreaKEY WORDS: Container ship 콘테이너선, Hatch coaming 해치코밍, High strength ultra thick plate 고강도 극후판, Flux core arc welding (FCAW) 플럭스코어 아크용접, Welding residual stress 용접잔류응력, Thermal elasto-plastic analysis 열탄소성해석ABSTRACT: The goal of this work is to establish the reliability of FCA we lded joints for high strength EH36-TMCP ultra thick plate. For this, heat conduction and thermo elasto-plastic analyses have been co nducted on a multi-pass, X-groove, butt-joint model to clarify the thermal and mechanical behavior (residual stresses, magnitude of the stress es, and their production and distribution mechanisms) of the we ld joint. In addition, the results of the welding residual stress obtained from thermo ela sto-plastic analysis was verified and compared with results obt ained by XRD analysis.교신저자 이윤기: 광주광역시 동구 서석동 290 062-230-8201, lyk9001@chosun-c.ac.kr
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