Combined wide pump tuning and high power of a continuous-wave, singly resonant optical parametric oscillator

A new singly resonant, single-frequency optical parametric oscillator (OPO) has been developed for the 2.6–4.7 μm infrared wavelength region, using a high power (>20 W), widely tunable (1024–1034 nm) Yb:YAG pump source. With the OPO frequency stabilized with an intracavity etalon, the OPO achieved an idler output power of 3 W at 2.954 μm. Tuning of the idler frequency was achieved by longitudinal mode-hop tuning of the pump source (FSR 100 MHz). In this way an idler frequency scan of 100–150 GHz could be obtained, after which the signal frequency hops ahead over the FSR of the intracavity etalon of the OPO (207 GHz). Due to un-optimized mirror coatings for the OPO cavity and PPLN crystal, the frequency stability was limited to 90 MHz over 1 s, with an unaffected long-term frequency stability of 250 MHz over 200 seconds.
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