Remote sensing-based assessment of impact of Phailin cyclone on rice in Odisha, India

Assessing the nature and extent of damage due to natural calamities remains one of the thrust areas in monitoring resource inventory through remote sensing. The effect of the cyclone Phailin and the post-incessant rains during second fortnight of October 2013 on coastal Odisha was studied in terms of rice area flooded, submerged and damaged. Multi-temporal SAR data were analysed to obtain the rice mask, and from this rice mask, the flood affected rice area was determined. Taluka-wise and district-wise crop loss proportion was estimated, and the overall production loss has been estimated. SAR data aided in delineation of flooded regions, while AWiFS NDVI data of subsequent dates showed both continued inundation and crop vigour status post-flood time period. The ground truth indicated that a major portion of the inundated region was not rice but was typha grasses and harvested rice field which should not be accounted as damage to rice crop. The damage on crop yield was difficult to assess; however, the inundation of the crop at panicle initiation and flowering would have impact on grain filling (results in chaffiness) and was considered as completely damaged. Most of the current inundated rice regions fall in this category. It was estimated that a total of 0.167 million hectares and 0.37 million tons of rice crop was lost in the cyclone and floods. The district-level percentage area of rice flooded was communicated to State Remote Sensing Centre in four days timeframe. The overall accuracy obtained for the validation of the ground truth sites was 91.5 %.
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