Angiotensin I converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides from wine

Six peptides that inhibit angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) were fractionated and purified from Muscat Bailey A red (Bailey x Muscat Hamburg) wine. Muscat Bailey A wine was concentrated to 1/2 of its original volume, then applied to a reverse phase open column. Peptides were eluted using a stepwise gradient of 0 to 90% ethanol. The fraction that eluted at 10% ethanol was the most inhibitory. Peptides in this fraction were separated into three active compound fractions (I, II, and III) by gel filtration on Toyopearl HW-40. These fractions were further separated by reverse-phase HPLC on a µBondasphere C 18 column, using a linear gradient of 0 to 50% acetonitrile into six peptides that inhibited ACE. The amino acid sequences and IC 50 values (concentration required for 50% ACE inhibition) of the purified peptides were LIPPGVPY (17.5 µ M ), YYAPFDGIL (83.0 µ M ), YYAPF (26.4 µ M ), SWSF (76.3 µ M ), WVPSVY (25.7 µ M ), and AWPF (18.3 µ M ).
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