Konversionselektronen und Multipolordnungen von Übergängen in Ag110 @@@Conversion electrons and multipolarities of transitions in Ag110

The spectrum of internal conversion electrons emitted by Dy165 after thermal neutron capture was measured with the beta spectrometer at the reactor FRM. 225 conversion lines were found between 0 keV and 7 MeV. They correspond to 193 transitions. The multipolarities of most transitions were determined. The result of this measurement is in good agreement with the level scheme proposed bySchult et al. Eighteen additional levels with energies up to 3 MeV are proposed. A new 3/2−-rotational band with its band head at 1103.30 keV has been disclosed. The level scheme contains 39% of the complete decay of the capture state. The multipolarities of 6 transitions following the beta decay of Dy165 to Ho165 are given.
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