Role of NGOs in rural poverty eradication: A Bangladesh observation

This article explores the role of NGOs (Non Government Organizations) in poverty eradication especially in the rural area of Bangladesh and how they are performing. Hence theoretical background of NGOs, a detail understanding of the term rural poverty, poverty scenario of Bangladesh was discussed. It was found with supportive references how the NGOs of this country are playing a positive and essential role for the betterment of the poor and the needy. The mission and activities of NGOs revealed the fact that the NGOs are omnipresent with their multifaceted and multidimensional projects aimed at providing informal and non-formal education, health, nutrition, and empowerment of women etc. NGOs have organized the rural poor and taught them the benefits of forming groups/cooperatives, supplied them with inexpensive agricultural technology, leadership development, social forestation through usage of government owned khas land etc all of which helps in poverty eradication. Hence NGOs in Bangladesh can continue playing the role of catalyst in the attainment of sustainable economic growth and development provided, an endurable, warm and dependable relationship is there between the Government and NGOs where both are working for the benefit of the people.
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