Evaluación de los niveles de vitamina C hojas de taiobada (Xanthosoma sagittifolium Schott) y pérdidas durante el proceso de secado

With the view to determining the contents and losses of vitamin C with the drying of taro leaves, non-conventional and easily cultivated vegetable, the present work evalueted parts of the leaf (blade and petiole) aiming to stimulate and broaden its use in human feeding. The results were expressed in fresh and dry matter in ventilated oven at 60 °C, the taro stood out in appreciable contents of vitamin C, its contents being close to foods considered good sources, so the taro may be utilized as a natural souce both accessible and low-priced contributing to ameliorate very common lacks among the population with drying, vitamin C is partly lost, poorer losses taking place in the stem but even with losses it may be considered a good source.
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