Visualization of endogenous nuclear F-actin in mouse embryos reveals abnormal actin assembly after somatic cell nuclear transfer.

Actin in the nucleus, referred to as nuclear actin, is involved in a variety of nuclear events. Nuclear actin is present as a globular (G-actin) and filamentous form (F-actin), and dynamic assembly/disassembly of nuclear actin profoundly affects nuclear functions. However, it is still challenging to observe endogenous nuclear F-actin. Here, we present a condition to visualize endogenous nuclear F-actin of mouse zygotes using different fixation methods. Zygotes fixed with paraformaldehyde and treated with fluorescently conjugated phalloidin show both short and long actin filaments in their pronuclei. Short nuclear actin filaments are characteristic of phalloidin staining, rather than the consequence of severing actin filaments by the fixation process, since long nuclear actin filaments probed with the nuclear actin chromobody are not disassembled into short filaments after fixation with paraformaldehyde. Furthermore, we find that nuclear actin assembly is impaired after somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), suggesting abnormal nucleoskeleton structures in SCNT embryos. Taken together, our presented method for visualizing nuclear F-actin with phalloidin can be used to observe the states of nuclear actin assembly, and revealed improper reprogramming of actin nucleoskeleton structures in cloned mouse embryos.
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