Interpretation of The Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Corona Virus Disease 2019(The Seventh Trial Edition) Combined with Wenre Shuyi Quanshu/ 结合《温热暑疫全书》解读《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》

Wenre Shuyi Quanshu was written by ZHOU Zaiyu, a famous doctor in the early Qing Dynasty It combines the theory that damp-heat pestilence has nine transformation approaches with clinical symptoms, which makes this book more practical than the previous ones The record of "single exterior syndrome or single interior syndrome" in the book can be cross referenced to the two syndromes of the medical observation and the common syndrome of dampness-toxin stagnation of lung The record of "re-exterior syndrome or re-exterior and re-interior syndrome" can explain the re-positive nucleic acid phenomenon in COVID-19 patients The record of "exterior and interior syndrome at the same time" can prove the rationality of Qingfei Paidu Decoction The record of "exterior syndrome followed by interior syndrome or interior syndrome followed by exterior syndrome" can elucidate the variability of clinical symptoms in COVID-19 patients In addition, dredging and purging method of ZHOU Zaiyu can reverse the oxygenation dilemma of COVID-19 patients, which is helpful for doctors to understand the application of Dahuang(rhubarb) of The Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Corona Virus Disease 2019(The Seventh Trial Edition) Interpretation of The Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Corona Virus Disease 2019(The Seventh Trial Edition) combined with Wenre Shuyi Quanshu is helpful to understand the current epidemic situation from the perspective of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine
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