A Robust Dynamic Watermarking Scheme Based on STBDW

Software piracy is a major concern for organizations that create, use, and distribute digital content. Software watermarking is such a technique for protecting software by embedding secret information into the software to identify its copyright owner. This paper presents a novel robust dynamic watermarking scheme based on STBDW that first utilizes the Shamir threshold scheme to split the watermark number into pieces, which help to retrieve the original watermark with partial information and increase resilience. Then the pieces are run through the block cipher and self isomorphic mapping operations that makes the unrelated pieces become associated, which improves STBDW robustness further. In this article, we describe a software watermark embedding prototype in which the watermark pieces are embedded into the dynamic branch structure of program. Experiment shows that our technique has great robustness, it can effectively resist semantics-preserving code transform attacks and immune from most obfuscation attacks.
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