Paleobiogeographic significance of a new ozawainelloid fusulinid Pseudoacutella partoazari n. sp., from the Asselian (lowermost Permian) of Gaduk (Central Alborz, Iran)

Abstract The uppermost Carboniferous–Lower Permian Dorud Group that crops out at the Gaduk section of Central Alborz is over 44 m thick and includes thick sequences of conglomerate, quartzarenite, calcareous sandstone, oncolitic fusulinid limestone, sandy limestone, sandstone and shale. The Toyeh, Emarat and Shah Zeid formations of this Group were dated as latest Gzhelian to Early Sakmarian. A review of the Asselian fusulinids and smaller foraminifers of Iran emphasizes (1) how the foraminiferal assemblages of Alborz and central Iran differ; (2) why non- Pseudofusulina cannot be a nomen substitutum to Pseudofusulina (even if this latter was often misinterpreted in the Tethyan regions). A new smaller fusulinid Pseudoacutella partoazari n. sp. is described from the Emarat Formation (Asselian) that crops out in the Gaduk area. The palaeobiogeographic significance of Pseudoacutella is discussed, because this genus, which was cosmopolitan from Late Bashkirian to Moscovian, became rare in the Upper Pennsylvanian of the USA and the Carnic Alps, and then, very rare in Lower Permian of Texas, Arizona and Iran.
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