Gastroenteritis semptomlu köpeklerde canine parvovirus tip 2'nin tesbiti ve moleküler karakterizasyonu

Canine parvovirus enfeksiyonu, kopeklerin akut, fibrinli nekrotik veya hemorajik enteritis ile seyreden viral bir hastaligidir.  Bu calisma ile kopeklerde sirkule olan virusun tesbiti ve molekuler karekterizasyonu, baskin tipin saptanmasi, filogenetik agactaki yerinin belirlenmesi ve virusun izole edilmesi amaclandi. Bu amacla gastroenteritis semptomlu 100 hayvana ait cesitli marazi maddeler alindi ve bunlardan 52 adedi PCR pozitif olarak tesbit edildi.  Pozitif  urunlerden 15 adedi yeni nesil sekans’a ve filogenetik analize tabi tutuldu. Analiz sonrasinda butun ornekler CPV-2b olarak tesbit edildi. Hucre kulturu calismalari sonucunda 3 adet sitopatojen CPV-2 izolati elde edildi.AbstratCanine parvovirus infection is a viral disesase on dog’s, that characterized by  acute necrotic fibrinous and hemoragik enteritis. In this study, identification,  molecular characterization of the virus that  is circulating in dogs, determine the dominant type of virus, determining the location of the phylogenetic tree and finaly virus isolation was aimed. For this purpose, 100 sample was taken from dogs with gastroenteritis symptoms and 52 of them were identified as PCR positive. Fifteen positive products were taken for new generation sequence and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. After analysis of all samples was determined as CPV-2b. And also three sitopatojen CPV-2 isolates in cell cultures was obtained in this study.
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