Has your town or parish struggled in the past to find councillors? When did you last have an election? Does your organisation need more volunteers? Today, more than ever, we need good quality councillors and volunteers at all levels, who are ready and willing to engage with the community and make tough decisions.

The Councillor Development Group at Wiltshire Council has produced a DVD aimed at encouraging people to become more involved with democracy in their local area. This could be by standing as a unitary, town or parish councillor, campaigning on local issues, volunteering or attending meetings. The DVD has been shown before the start of this meeting and a copy is available for all town and parish councils to take away. We hope that you will be able to use it to encourage people to take a more active part in local democracy in your area. Of course if anyone else could make use of a copy then please take one with you. If you have any questions about the DVD or would like advice on how it can be used in your area then please contact Lynda Williams or Marie Todd.
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