Technological trajectories, markets, institutions . Industrialized countries, 19th-20th centuries : from context dependency to path dependency = Trajectoires technologiques, marchés, institutions. Les pays industrialisés, 19e-20e siècles : de la dépendance du contexte à la dépendance de sentier

Laurent Tissot/Beatrice Veyrassat: Introduction - Jacques Perrin: The Decisive Importance of Organizational Models to Understand Technological Revolutions - Jan Pedersen: Rhetorical and Theoretical Devices in the Economic History of Technology: A Discussion Based on Deconstructive Method and on the Historical Example of Mechanical Engineering - Dmitri Gouzevitch/Irina Gouzevitch: Transfert de technologies en matiere de travaux publics en Russie: quete aux innovations et choix politiques, 1800-1850 - Wolf-gang Konig: Railways on Swiss Mountains: A Demonstration of an Agency-Structure-Concept of Technological Development - Roger Lloyd-Jones/Mervin J. Lewis: Technological Pathways, Modes of Development, and the British National Innovation System. Examples from British Industry, 1880-1914 - Michael Mende: The Harz Charcoal Ironworks in Search for New Products Enabling to Compete on Markets in Change, 19th Century - Liviu A. Sofonea/Victor M. Sofonea: Technological Trajectory in a "Forced Industrialization". An Example in Romania, 1946-1990 - James S. Foreman-Peck: The Path Dependence of Technological Trajectories. The Battery Electric Vehicle - Christoph Maria Merki: The Birth of Motoring out of Sport: Car Racing as a Public Relations Strategy, 1894-1905 - Ian D. Rae/John Lack: Development of the Acid and Fertiliser Industry in 19th Century New Zealand: Business Networks and Government Rewards - Dominique Barjot: Un leadership fonde sur l'innovation, Colas: 1929-1997 - Margrit Muller: Patterns of Technical Innovation, Market Relationships, and Institutional Change During the Interwar Period - Serge Paquier: L'electromecanique genevoise des annees 1880 a la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le lent apprentissage de l'industrie des machines.
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