EC long-term studies on fusion waste management

Fusion waste management studies described here were carried out by three organizations within SEAFP-2 (safety and environmental assessment of fusion power), the long-term S & E action of the European Fusion Technology Programme. The three reactor models investigated, PM-1, PM-2, PM-3, have a power of 3000 MWth, have differing designs for all in-vessel components, but are assumed to be identical for all ex-vessel components. Neutronics and activation calculations were performed by UKAEA. Neutron induced activation and transmutation were derived from the inventory code FISPACT-97 and the EAF-97 cross-section library. Two waste management strategies were examined. The strategy employed by Studsvik Radwaste AB disregarded recycling and clearance and investigated disposal of fusion waste in repositories for fission waste. The German sites of Konrad and G6rleben and, alternatively, the Swedish sites of SFR and SFIL were been assumed as reference repositories. The strategy adopted by the Joint Research Centre, analysed recycling and clearance. Hands-on and remote handling recycling were assumed to be feasible if contact dose rate limits were fulfilled. Feasibility of clearance was assessed from limits to the specific activities of radionuclides contained in the waste, that took into account also their potential biological hazard.
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