Subdiffusion in a disordered spin chain with random dephasing: Finite-size corrections, Griffiths effects, and implications for many-body localization.

We study transport in the boundary-driven XX spin chain with onsite disorder and randomly positioned onsite dephasing, observing a transition from diffusive to subdiffusive spin transport below a critical density of sites with dephasing. We then present an exactly solvable semiclassical model of conductors and insulators, which exhibits both diffusive and subdiffusive phases, and qualitatively reproduces the results of the quantum system. The subdiffusion in these models is a consequence of rare insulating regions, and they therefore exhibit, in a more controlled setup, the physics of "Griffiths effects" which have been conjectured to cause the subdiffusive transport observed in interacting many-body localizable systems. For the quantum model we show that finite-size effects come from the interplay of three characteristic lengths: one associated with disorder (the localization length), one with dephasing, and the third with the percolation problem defining large, rare, insulating regions. The latter grows logarithmically with system size, and we conjecture that this may be the reason why the heavy-tailed distributions typical of Griffiths effects have not been observed in subdiffusive interacting systems.
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