[Experience of functioning of the psychological- medical- and pedagogical commission at psychiatric hospital].

: Psychological- medical- and pedagogical commissions (PMPC) are most often established at educational institutions. However, children cannot be thoroughly examined in educational settings in certain cases; therefore, the physicians fail to diagnose mental deficiency in children due to insufficiently careful examinations. Correspondingly, PMDCs, when established at patient-care and preventive facilities, ensure a more accurate diagnosis and determination of an intellectual-deficiency degree in children or teenager; they also provide for elaborating a set of psychological- medical- and pedagogical measures. The experience of establishing PMPC at a regional patient-care and preventive facility, as well as of its cooperation with educational institutions and with social assistance organizations and its functional peculiarities within the structure of the patient-care facility are analyzed in the paper. Recommendations are defined on cooperation between psychiatrists, psychologists, social activists, pedagogues and of other experts working for such commissions.
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