Percepción de la transición del modelo biomédico al modelo biopsicosocial en usuarios internos del CESFAM Pinares, comuna de Chiguayante

Introduccion: La Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha definido salud no solamente como la ausencia de enfermedad, abriendo la perspectiva mas alla del bienestar fisico o biologico de la persona, incorporando la prosperidad mental y social del individuo. Es por ello que el profesional de la salud o usuario interno, ha debido adaptarse a una nueva forma de intervenir al paciente o usuario externo inmerso en una sociedad, desde el Centro de Salud Familiar, antiguamente denominado Centro de Salud y/o Consultorio. Objetivo: Determinar la percepcion que tiene el usuario interno acerca de la transicion del modelo biomedico al modelo biopsicosocial. Material y metodo: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenologico. Se aplica entrevista semi-estructurada, a una poblacion de 23 usuarios internos profesionales del Centro de Salud Familiar Pinares, comuna de Chiguayante en febrero de 2009. Resultado y discusion: Los datos no demuestran rechazo al nuevo modelo de salud familiar. Sin embargo, se observan conocimientos deficientes o fragmentados que, conjugados con los carentes recursos, dificultan la implementacion del modelo biopsicosocial. Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the word “health” not only as the absence of an illness, but as a perspective that goes beyond the physical or biological wellfare of a person, involving a mental and social prosperity of an individual. Because of all these aspects, the health specialist or the so called Internal User has the need to adapt himself/herself to a new way of intervention in the Familiar Health Center, that it used to be called “health center” or “doctor's office”. Objective: Determine the perception that the intern user has about the biomedical transition to the biopsychosocial one. Materials and methods: using quantitative methodology with a phenomenological approach. The instrument used was an interview that was applied to 23 users, specialists, related to the Family Health Center Pinares, located in Chiguayante, in February 2009. Results and discussion: The information does not demonstrate the rejection to the new Model of Familiar Health. Nevertheless, you can observe deficient or fragmented knowledge that was brought together with not so many resources; making difficult the implementation of the biopsychosocial model.
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