Assessment of big bud mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.) infestation level of blackcurrant genotypes in the field.

The big bud mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westwood) is one of the most harmful pests of blackcurrant in countries where this crop is cultivated. It has been the biggest threat to blackcurrant plantations for many years. It causes bud malformation and reduces the yield. It is also known to be a vector of the very dangerous blackcurrant virus disease — Blackcurrant reversion virus - BRV. The aim of the study was to estimate the level of infestation on 21 blackcurrant genotypes (16 cultivars and 5 breeding clones) by big bud mite in the field. All tested cultivars were divided into 5 groups, depending on the level of big bud mite infestation: 1. - fully resistant (no damaged buds); 2. - resistant (0.1-1.0% damaged buds); 3. - moderately resistant (1.1-5.0 % damaged buds); 4. - moderately susceptible (5.1-10.0% damaged buds); 5. - susceptible (> 10.0 % damaged buds). On the basis of the results from a three year experiment (2008-2010), 5 genotypes: the English cultivars: 'Farliegh' and 'Foxedown', and the new Polish breeding clones: PC-1/4, PC-7/9 and PC-7/13, were classified as fully resistant to gall mite (first group). Two other Polish genotypes: 'Ores' and clone No. 138x76/69A/12 as well as the Lithuanian cultivar 'Vakariai' were classified as resistant (second group). In the group of moderately resistant were: the Polish cultivar 'Tisel' and Scottish 'Ben Gairn' (third group). Six cultivars: the Polish 'Ruben', 'Tines' and 'Tiben', as well as the Lithuanian 'Kupoliniai' and 'Vyciai' and the Swedish 'Ojebyn' were put into the fourth group (moderately susceptible). The most susceptible to gall mite (fifth group) were five genotypes: the Scottish cultivars: 'Ben Hope', 'Ben Lomond' and clone No. 14-1-9 and the Lithuanuian: 'Laimiai' and 'Gagatai'. These two Lithuanian cultivars: 'Laimiai' and 'Gagatai' were the most susceptible to the pest during all three years of the experiment.
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