Saving DD New D&D Technologies at the INEEL

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) has considerable experience and expertise in the field of decontamination and decommissioning (D&D). This expertise has accumulated over the past fifty years as a result of its diverse operations including 52 nuclear reactors and associated laboratory, fuel processing and waste management facilities. Over 50 facilities have been decommissioned at the INEEL and released for unrestricted use. INEEL facilities are now serving as a proving ground to investigate a variety of innovative technologies. The INEEL is integrating expertise from the Department of Energy (DOE), industries, universities, and the international community in the deployment of new or innovative technologies into D&D activities to decrease costs, accelerate schedules and improve worker safety. This is being done through two programs, the Large Scale Demonstration and Deployment Program (LSDDP) and the Accelerated Site Technology Deployment (ASTD) program. Both are funded through DOE’s Office of Science and Technology and the D&D Focus Area. The INEEL LSDDP, which started in FY98, has investigated over 200 technologies in the areas of characterization, decontamination, demolition and worker safety. Detailed evaluations were performed on 35 of the technologies and 16 were actually field tested in actual INEEL D&D operations. Performance indicators suchmore » as requirements, cost, effectiveness, implementation, worker exposure, and secondary waste generation were measured and summarized for each technology demonstrated. The ASTD project then aided in subsequently deploying 15 of these technologies in additional ongoing D&D projects. Cost benefit evaluations have shown that implementation of these technologies into the ongoing INEEL D&D project saved $462K in FY-99 and is projected to save over $14 million in the next ten years. Three of the most successful technologies implemented include soft-sided waste containers, the Brokk demolition system, and personal ice cooling suits (PICS).« less
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