Importancia del diagnóstico de la enzima alfa amilasa salival

The enzyme salivary α-amylase is an important component released by the salivary glands, regulated by the autonomic nervous system. This work is based on a bibliographic review carried out on materials specialized in the subject. Its scientific problem is: insufficient knowledge about the enzyme amylase and its impact on the human organism, based on the objective: to systematize the most current knowledge about the value of the amylase enzyme and its repercussion in the human organism. A documentary research was carried out, with various searches of printed and digital materials based on queries from the online catalog of the Infomed virtual library, in general databases, specific to Cuba and multidisciplinary as well as certified digital journals. Conclusion: saliva is a biological fluid of great importance, is composed of a variety of elements within them: proteins, enzymes, hormones, antibodies. Within the protein content of saliva, the component with the highest concentration is α-amylase, which is secreted by the pancreas and by the salivary glands, both of an enzymatic nature. The variability in the concentration or activity of salivary or pancreatic α-amylase can detect abnormalities in the organs that produce it, for what it constitutes a biomarker.
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