Achieving better therapeutic results by education and telephone counseling for lung cancer patients undergoing scheduled chemotherapy regiments

Patients with LC represent a remarkable percentage of the hospitalized pts in our clinic and receive chemotherapy (CT) regiments as well as best supportive care. Aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an individualized program along with telephone counselling of each pt and his caregiver(s). Our final point was to facilitate our work and the pts9 adherence during treatment. Methods: 94 pts and 101 caregivers enrolled between Jan 2007 and Dec 2010. All underwent a tailored educational session by, the same for 6 months pulmonologist (a detailed update for the possible early and late side effects of CT, the supportive drugs, the blood tests9 program, advises for nutrition and surveillance of their activation at home). The physician provided a phone number for any information and the arrangement of the next admission. Results: Participants rated their appraisal for the program between “good” and “excellent” while their compliance reached 98%. The majority experienced a generalized anxiety of suffering regarding the CT. CT postponement due to toxicity was made in 23% after telephone arrangement and no hospital turnout which appreciated as better quality of life. One doctor9s occupation with the complicated problems of LC pts favoured overall medical time and team9s operation. Conclusion: This study indicated the importance of special attention to psychosocial health needs of LC pts along with education and close follow up that is an integral part of an effective palliation. The expertise of the healthcare team can maximize the pt9s comprehension. The overall procedure finally reduce admissions without reason and support a better pts QOL.
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